Sunday, 31 August 2014

Piyo, Fresh Green Juice and Wine!

This week has been a busy one for me!  I've been working a lot of extra hours this week, and by Saturday my eyes were stinging, I was one tired lady! 
No excuses though, right, because that's not going to get me to where I want to be, so I dragged my tired butt out of bed every morning at 6am, pushed play on my Piyo dvd and got my workout in.  Then it's a warm water with lemon and a fresh green juice before I jump in the shower.

That's pretty much my morning ritual everyday before I get Ollie up and ready for school.  If you want it bad enough you'll get up and get it done. No point lying in bed for an extra hour complaining about your weight. Throw that duvet off and pull on your workout clothes before your brain has time to think about what you're doing!

My sister came home from Cyprus this week for a visit, so last night we hit the town for a few drinks.  (Yes, I'm typing this feeling slightly tender!)  I just don't drink much anymore, I'll have 1 maybe 2 wines on a Saturday night, but that's pretty much my limit these days. Well last night I did stick to Prosecco, but I'm pretty sure I had more than 1 or 2! 

I blame the Prosecco!!

 We did have a fab night, but I'm not feeling so fresh today.  No excuses though, I still had my warm water with lemon, and a fresh green juice with raw beetroot.  Sometimes you've just got to suck it up and get on with your day, right?!

Fresh green juice with raw beetroot, gorgeous!

Ok so it's 1pm and  I have to confess I haven't worked out yet ( I'm typing this in my PJs) but I'm a no excuses kinda girl, so I'm signing off for this week, throwing on my workout clothes and getting my sweat on!
Click on my health and fitness page Fit For Life where I post a few times everyday.  Stay fit, stay healthy and eat clean!  Thanks for reading, Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Motivation, and how to keep it!


We all have it in bucket loads in the beginning, but what happens when the motivation goes and how do we keep going when it's gone?

Remember that feeling when you decided you were going to eat healthy and start that new workout routine? You were really going for it, couldn't wait to get started.  This was it, you had tons of motivation, you were excited, itching to get going.  Then after a few weeks you couldn't be bothered as much, you could feel the motivation seeping away, until you were back at square one, back where you started, motivation ZERO!

You want to know the SECRET to keep going when the motivation is gone?  
Ok, so this is how I get it to work for me.  I had to find a reason to eat clean 90% of the time and to workout 6 days a week, long after my motivation was gone.  Don't 
get me wrong, some days I have tons of get up and go, but there are days that I want to stay in bed or grab a pack of cookies, but you know what stops me, MY WHY!

Now this is going to be different for everyone, but once you find it and keep it in the front of your mind, you WILL keep going.  I'll explain my why and the reason it is so important to me.


My WHY, my son Ollie!

For me theres a few things that stem from this.  

1.  I workout 6 days a week not just for me, but I want my son to see that it's good to     exercise often and keep your body moving and that it's part of my daily routine.
2.  We eat clean whole foods and drink water everyday, because I want to grow old being a part of my sons life.  I want to be healthy and disease free well into old age, and to teach my son nutrition is key.

In our household exercise and clean eating is normal practise, and if I ever stopped doing those things because I couldn't be bothered or I didn't make time, that would be sending out the opposite message to what I truly believe in.  

It goes so much further than motivation, so have a good think, and next time you feel like giving in, just remember WHY you started!

Have a fabulous week, please share 'Your Why' in the comments section below and remember to check out my health and fitness page Fit For Life.
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 17 August 2014

INSANITY: From living room to Instructor.

I had watched the Insanity infomercial for around 2 years before deciding to actually purchase it!  Have you seen it?!  Shaun T, looking all hot and sweaty doing insane, crazy exercise moves. I kept putting it off, but must have watched it at least 20 times. (I actually still watch it now!)  Eventually in April 2013, I did it, I went to the Beachbody website and ordered my copy of Insanity.  From that point on, I swear my life changed and I'll never look back!

I did the full 63 days, and I never missed a day.  Some days I would get up at 5am, to fit it in before the school run and work, but I always did it.  At the end of my 63 days I sent of my before and after photos and anxiously awaited my Insanity T shirt.  
3 weeks later my T shirt arrived, I was so excited and proud to put it on, it meant so much more to me than just a grey T shirt.  This was 63 days of total commitment, pools of sweat (you've never sweated like this before) and finding a workout that I loved.  

Receiving My Insanity T Shirt
I'd heard of Insanity Instructor training in America, and that got me thinking, what if I could teach other people the workout that I love. I could share Insanity in a group setting and let others see how amazing this workout really is!  Then in April this year, Insanity training came to the UK and BOOM I booked myself straight on the training course.

Now I teach my Insanity class twice a week, and I have to say, I still love that workout just as much as the first time I did it in my living room.  If you get the chance I highly recommend that you try Insanity in a live group setting.  It's slightly different than the DVDs, as you can modify the moves, to make them slightly easier, or even more challenging .  Don't be nervous or intimidated by the name either, as everyone goes at their own pace, and I promise you, it'll be the best, sweatiest workout you'll ever get in your life!

If you're local to me, Id love to see you at one of my classes, pop over to my page Fit For Life for all the info, or if you live further afield, find an Insanity class near you, you just may end up addicted!

Thanks for reading, and stay Insane!
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Is clean eating for me?

What is clean eating?  Can you eat clean all the time?  
Ok, I get asked those questions quite a lot, and I'll explain a bit about it here.  First of all clean eating is eating whole fresh foods as close to their natural state as possible, and yes you can eat clean all the time (well apart from my treat meal on a Sat night!)  It's not as difficult as you think, just a change of mindset and a little bit more food prep.

So think fresh, sometimes my fridge looks like a garden!! No more eating out of a box, ditch the white refined carbs, go for wholegrain.  No more fast food, you really don't need that junk, and no more fizzy drinks, full fat or diet, I'm telling you, that stuff is toxic!  Drink water, then more water, aim for 2 litres a day. Fancy it up, add lemon, lime or strawberries and mint, use your imagination!

Ok, so you're maybe thinking well what about snacks, I'll give you my favourite clean eating snacks,  swap them out for your cookies and crisps.

Swap cookies/biscuits for rice cakes with peanut butter
Swap crisps for pop chips ( plain only )
Swap salted peanuts for any plain nuts

Other favourites of mine are, 0% greek yogurt with fresh berries, apple slices with peanut butter, banana pancakes with blueberries, Nakd bars ( available in most supermarkets ) frozen banana slices ( tastes like banana ice cream ) and frozen grapes.

2 ingredient banana pancakes

Eat clean and the benefits you will see and feel will be worth that little bit of extra food prep. You'll lose stubborn pounds, you'll feel more energetic and your skin will glow. Take care of the inside and look great on the outside.  Combine this with working out and BAM the results will be outstanding!

Go to my Facebook page Fit For Life where I post everyday about my love of health and fitness.
Have a great week people, and eat clean!!
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 3 August 2014

My thoughts on Piyo workout.

While I was on holiday in Florida last month, I ordered Beachbodys newest workout dvd, Piyo.  I have to admit I wasn't sure at first, low impact, no jumping, not sure it was really my bag.  I'm an Insanity junkie, I love jumping around, getting all breathless and sweaty, although I do need to be more flexable, sometimes even touching my toes hurts my hamstrings. (sad face)  So I parted with my $ and awaited my Piyo delivery.

To be honest after I did the first few workouts I was a bit worried that this dvd wasn't going to be enough for me.  But I wanted to give a chance on it's own and not mix it with any other workout.  Oh boy, is it enough!! Ha, the first few workouts, just reel you in!  I just finished todays workout which is called "sweat" and believe me, even though there's no high impact or jumping around, you will definitely sweat, and you can feel it working everywhere. 

So, I throw my hands up in the air, I'm converted! I have just started week 3 and Piyo is my new love. I'm already noticing changes in my flexability and my posture is so much better. I'm actually really excited to see how my body will change in these upcoming weeks, as the workouts get more challenging.
If you're looking for a low impact workout that delivers, Piyo is it!  Keep your nutrition in check, drink lots of water and this workout will give you amazing results.
Click on my health and fitness Facebook page for daily posts at Fit For Life

Have a wonderful week, Caroline xoxo