Sunday, 28 September 2014

Live Well - Feel Amazing!

Treat your body well, it's the only place you have to live.

I've had a pretty busy week.  Between working, being a mum, teaching my Insanity classes and studying for my Nutritional Therapy diploma, I've been kept on my toes!  

I'm really enjoying my course, I'm sometimes a bit mind blown by all the information that I have to take in but truly fascinated too!  At the moment I'm learning all about how the choices you make, not only what you eat and drink but also how your environment and your stress levels can affect the cells in your body.  You CAN control most of these things, you CAN decide between living healthy or not.  Why wouldn't you want to give yourself the best chance at living a long, healthy life?

This film really hits home, you truly are what you eat.

I'm beginning to see that people are wanting to eat better for their health and not just to lose weight and that makes me really happy.  It's not all about diet drinks and sugar free yogurts.  Ok so you might lose the weight, but for how long and it's not doing your insides any good either.  

All calories are not created equal!  Oh believe me when I was younger I did not know this.  

On some days I would have pick n mix sweets for my lunch (remember those?) I would think to myself "Ok that's about 300 cals, that's the same as a sandwich"  WHAT!!!  Not even considering the amount of sugar and highly processed crap I was putting into my body everyday.  

Not all calories are created equal.

If you follow my Facebook page Fit For Life, you'll know I preach clean eating and drinking lots of water daily. Sure I have some wine and chocolate on a Saturday night, with the occasional pizza thrown in, but 90% of the time I'm a clean eater all the way.  I really believe this way of eating has transformed my body inside and out, and that I'll live to be a ripe old age, enjoying life to the full!

You know what else is great about this? My son knows this is how we eat and we really only drink water at home.  Teaching the next generation it's all about being HEALTHY and not being SKINNY.

My son Ollie's breakfast - wholegrain toast with fruit
(he seems slightly happy with that choice!)

Thanks for reading, have a fab week and remember to work out and eat clean!
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 21 September 2014



OMG...... I just found out on Friday that Beachbody are launching these two new workouts..... This makes me SO excited as Insanity is my first love and the workouts are no longer than 30 minutes long BUT they are all maxed out!!  Talk about pushing your body to the limit, and they have a modifier this time (unlike the original Insanity dvds) so everyone can do this, even if you're modifying as long as you're pushing yourself to YOUR limit!

Beachbody already has the 21 day fix, but now they're launching the 21 day fix extreme, taking it up to the next level.  No weighing or measuring your food, as long as the correct food fits into the correct tubs, put it on your plate and eat up!  These workouts are also no longer than 30 minutes! I'm loving these shorter workouts, NO EXCUSES, everyone has time to exercise for 30 minutes in their own home. This version also has a bikini competition prep diet plan, which I would love to try out. (Who doesn't want abs like Autumn Calabrese?! - girl in the pic -)

So at the moment in the UK you can't get Shakeology through Beachbody. For those of you that don't know,  Shakeology is a meal replacement or a snack that is all natural with over 70 superfoods in each serving.  This is the ONLY shake I would ever take, no added junk, no artificial garbage and it tastes so gooood.  When I was in Florida earlier this year I got a months supply delivered to my villa, but now I've ran out so I ordered some single serving packets from Ebay.  
I put this photo on Instagram with the hashtag #beachbody and #carldaikeler (CEO of Beachbody) and the caption "Bring Shakeology to the UK".  On Friday I'm scrolling through my Instagram and I see "Carl Daikeler is now following you".  Aarrgghh.... ok so in my cryptic mind, does this mean they are closer to bringing all that is Beachbody and Shakeology to the UK?  I hope so, I really do.  Anything that is going to help people lose weight and get healthier can only be a good thing, and the sooner the better.

In the meantime keep eating clean and working out! 
Thanks for reading and remember to visit my Facebook page Fit For Life where I post daily.
Have a fabulous week....
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Saying Goodbye..... and Looking Forward to New Beginnings.

My son Ollie and my cat Harley

On Tuesday this week, my beloved cat Harley died. She nearly made it to her 20th birthday, so she had a good long life.  I knew she didn't have long to go, as she had kidney disease and it was progressively getting worse.  On Monday evening her back legs gave way, I just sat with her that night knowing the end was near.  By Tuesday morning she had passed.  In a way I'm grateful she went on her own as I couldn't imagine taking her to the vet to get her put to sleep.
It's really strange her not being around, as she was such a homely cat, never wandering far. It's going to take some time to get used to.  I have her name tag on my key chain and I'm getting a plaque engraved and put on my bench in the garden.  
She'll always be remembered, she was a big part of the family. I'm getting her ashes back on Thursday and I'm going to scatter them beside where my Mum's ashes were scattered.  
RIP Harley, I hope you're up there running around in fields with the sun shining down on you.

Grateful for the 20 years we got with Harley

So after all that happening, I saw an opportunity to study online to become a Nutritional Therapist and gain a diploma through the Health Sciences Academy.  Now this IS my passion, but I thought I was going to have to wait until my son Ollie was older, never realising I could gain a diploma online. After all the tears this week, this is my rainbow.  
I'm so excited to get started and learn more about nutrition, what it does to us and how important it is in our lives.  This is where my future lies, helping others live a full healthy life through the knowledge of good nutrition, combined with exercise.  

Nutrition IS the key!

As one door closes and I say goodbye to Harley another one opens and I look forward to new beginnings.

Thanks for reading guys, I appreciate and I'm grateful for everyone of you that takes the time to read my weekly blogs.  
Remember to head over to Fit For Life, my Facebook page where I post daily.
Have a lovely week, Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Clean Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes? Yes Please!!

Kid Approved!!

I have such a sweet tooth, sometimes the craving for sugar really gets to me! I'll be standing in my kitchen opening every cupboard and raiding the fridge looking for something sweet.  The thing is I know there's nothing there ( I deliberately don't buy chocolate for this reason, I have no self control when chocolate is involved! ) but I keep checking in case something might miraculously appear!! Does anyone else do this?!  Crazy lady...

So I searched for a clean recipe that would satisfy my sugar craving and I found this amazing recipe for Clean Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes.  I was sceptical at first but thought I'd give them a try and test the outcome.  
And the result? OMG! For a clean chocolate cake they are pretty awesome.  They are delicious, moist, chocolatey, and guilt free, Hallelujah!!  Did I mention they are made with chickpeas? Yes, chickpeas, no flour, so they are gluten free too. Yey!!

Yes, I liked the bowl, sooo good!

Just out the oven, smell delicious!

Last night (Saturday night) is when I allow myself a little wine and a little ice cream.  My son Ollie chose the ice cream, Haagen Dazs Cookie Dough, he has excellent taste!  I warmed up one of my chocolate cupcakes for 30 seconds in the microwave and spooned the cookie dough ice cream on top.  I was one happy lady, savouring and smiling with each and every bite.  I think this is definitely going to be my Saturday night treat from now on.  

Heaven on a plate.....

Here is the recipe, I hope you try it and love them as much as I do:

Clean Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes

  • 1 (15 oz.) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 3 large eggs
  • 6oz honey
  • 40g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 3 Tbsp. virgin/unrefined coconut oil 
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 25g dark choc chips
1. Preheat the oven to 350f, 180c , gas mark 4
2. Prepare 12 muffin cups by lining with cupcake liners or coating with nonstick spray.
3. Placed chickpeas (drained and rinsed) into food processor. Process until smooth. Add all other ingredients except chocolate chips. Process until well-blended.
4. Divide batter among 12 prepared muffin cups.
5. Top each cupcake with 4 - 5 chocolate chips; push the chips into the batter slightly.
6. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
7. Cool completely and enjoy!

The recipe states 12, but I got 9 cupcakes, I like a bigger cupcake, who doesn't?!
I have a few leftover that I'll pop in the freezer until next Saturday.

Happy baking and remember to visit my Facebook page Fit For Life where I post everyday.
Thanks for reading and have a fabulous week.
Caroline xoxo