Sunday, 26 October 2014

Staying Healthy in The Highlands!

Meeting a few Highland cows!

This week I drove up north to spend a few nights in The Highlands.  I love it up there, really getting away from it all and just relaxing.  I really should go more often, it only took me  1 1/2 hours drive! Why when it's literally on our doorstep don't we go more?  This is probably the first time I've visited in nearly 15 years!

Traditional log fireplace,

We stayed in a traditional little Scottish hotel that had 3 roaring fireplaces.  You can't beat sitting in front of the fire after a long walk in the countryside.  I immersed myself totally and enjoyed every second of it.

A small dry sherry by the fire.

So, did I stay healthy for those few days?  Well, kinda...
I took a lemon with me as I need my warm water and lemon first thing in the morning, that's a given. I also took some unsalted nuts, raisins and apples, just so I had some healthy snack options ready to hand.
For the 2 nights I was there I chose whatever I wanted to eat at dinner and I had a few glasses of wine too. ( I was on a little break after all!)
I also bought some homemade macaroon, I used to love this as a child, it tasted sooo good and brought back some memories...

Mmmm homemade macaroon!

So today I'm back on it, back to my clean eating until next Saturday ( my treat meal night) and my workouts. ( No workouts on my 2 nights away)
Because I eat clean and workout consistently I don't worry about those few days away, I just jump straight back in.  I would never allow myself to fall back into my old ways, that's never going to happen!
So I just finished Piyo drench, now I'm going old school and pushing play on some P90X legs and back. Ooh may have trouble with the stairs tomorrow!!

Consistency Is Key

Have a great week, stay healthy, stay happy and pop over to my Facebook Page Fit For Life where I post everyday.
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Update on Beachbodys Piyo workout with added slides!

Homemade slides on my feet!!

Yes I'm still doing the Piyo workout everyday (well 6 out of 7 days!)  I'm still totally in love with this workout which is a blend of Piyo and Pilates at a pace which flows.  
I bought the extended version which includes the use of slides.  I made my own version, just disposable plastic plates and boy do they make a difference!
These slides MAKE you use correct form, and that makes the workout more challenging which is a fantastic bonus in my opinion!

Look at that stomach!!

I'm into my 3rd month doing Piyo and I really have noticed a difference everywhere!  I'm noticing more muscle definition, I'm feeling stronger and much more flexible ( I could barely touch my toes before starting Piyo)  
Whatever workout I choose to do next I'll definitely incorporate Piyo, as I want to stay flexible, those hamstrings need to stay subtle!

Day 1:  My heels are quite high, super tight hamstrings.
Day 64:  Heels on the floor, so much more flexible, Thank You Piyo!!

I still have nearly 3 weeks to go until I finish month 3 and I'm super excited to see my results when I'm done. 
Although I love working out, it is a huge part of who I am, also remember it's ALL about the nutrition, they both go hand in hand.  If you're not eating right you're not going to get the results you want.  So get your workouts in and eat right, you're going to look amazing AND feel amazing, promise!

Working out in my PJ bottoms (loving it!)

Have an awesome week, keep smiling, stay grateful and pop over to my Facebook page Fit For Life where I post daily.
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Live Your Life Unapologetically!

Just be you, everyone else is already taken!

Do you sometimes change who you are to fit in, or maybe wonder what other people will think of you?  Today I was thinking about just that.  
I have my health and fitness page Fit For Life where I post everyday, sometimes video clips of me exercising, new healthy recipes or motivational quotes but on my own personal Facebook page Caroline Glen I don't often post much about it.  Why? 
Well today I was really thinking about it and to be totally honest it's because I was a little worried about what people would think.  On my fitness page you expect the posts and photos of working out or my latest juice recipe but on my personal page I didn't want people thinking "Oh there she goes again  Miss Health & Fitness"

Always Be Yourself!

So today I'm turning a corner, being healthy and working out is such a huge part of who I am, I shouldn't worry about what people will think or say.  So I'm not going to shy away and put everything on my fitness page. I'm going to embrace who I am, sweaty workout pics and all, along with all the photos and posts of myself and my son. 

Post workout fresh beet juice!

I hope maybe this helps someone else who struggles with what other people think, remember this:
You may be the ripest juiciest peach, but there's always going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.


Have an awesome week and stay healthy.
Caroline xoxo

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Clean Slow Cooker Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal!

Slow cooker apple and cinnamon oatmeal with
 figs, almonds and extra cinnamon!!

I love Autumn.  The weather is changing, the nights are drawing in, out come the socks and boots, snuggling with blankets, having cosy nights in and heart warming food! And apple everything!
Apples on their own are fab, but cook them down, add some cinnamon (I'm a bit of a cinnamon addict, I shake it on everything!) and I'm in heaven.  

I wanted to do a slow cooker/crock pot recipe, so when I came down in the morning my breakfast was there and ready to eat. 
Here's my Slow Cooker Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal recipe.

Makes 4 servings.

  • butter or coconut oil (for coating the slow cooker)
  • 2 cup oats
  • 1 cups water
  • 2 cups unsweetened almond/coconut/soya milk
  • 1 cup chopped apple pieces
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • chopped nuts, nut butter and/or dried fruit for serving
  1. Coat your slow cooker with butter or coconut oil. Add all the ingredients into slow cooker and mix well. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.
  2. Place in a bowl to serve and top with nuts, dried fruit, nut butter and more cinnamon.

Before cooking 

After cooking

When you walk down the stairs in the morning the smell is amazing!!  I separated this into 4 portions, stored them in the fridge and I had a readymade breakfast for the rest of the week. 

I'm also loving all the Autumn candles around and I have this burning at the mo...
Yankee Candle Wax Melt

Ok, so maybe I have a slight apple/cinnamon addiction going on, but there's really no better smell at this time of year.  

Try out my Slow Cooker Oatmeal recipe, and let me know how it turns out.  Head over to my Facebook Page Fit For Life for more recipe ideas and have a great week!

Thanks, Caroline xoxo